Okay now within the body tags is where the magic happens. Everything is in the body tags.
Now lets start with.....


Color can be changed very easily. Within the body tags type some text and add some Font tags around it.

<font>Color rocks!</font>

Now To change the color just add into the first font tag the color you want:

<font color="00ffcc"> Color rocks!</font>

Now everything within the font tags will be changed to the color you picked. To find the codes for the font colors use this website: 216 Color Chart
I havent said this yet, but I will display the html in white or grey text(The red text shows the newest thing I typed within the html). so dont copy any other color of text except red white or grey.

Okay now lets talk more about text. If you want to change the size put this in the font tag:

<font size="12">Your text here</font>

You can use any number up to 12. Just replace the 12 with whatever number you want. Be sure to keep the  " 's  around it though. You can also change the font style. That is advanced so I will talk about that in anothert tutorial.

You can also combine the two by putting both in the font tags:

<font size="12" color=00ffcc> Your text here</font>

Using this code of html would display the following:

Your text here

Next we shall get to the part where some really cool things happen.

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