Now we are going to work with images. Within the body tags put an <img> tags:


Then put the source of the image within the tag. The image should be saved in the same folder your web page is saved in.

<img src="swirlies.gif">

That would display the following in html:

After you have worked a reasonably amount of time on your web page you might want to save it and view it.

All you do is go in Notepad to "File", "Save As", and save it as (whatever you want to save it as here).html . Then you select to save it as "all files". Then look for your document. Open it up. It hsould display what you have done. It might not look to good, but thats because you are jus beginning. I will teach you many more things now.

Okay now lets start a new one:

Lets start out with some <form> tags and within the form tags an input tag:
